Net-Zero Island: Madura
Although the Net-Zero achievement target — CO2 emissions that are still out must be balanced with equivalent absorption — which was agreed by world leaders last November is still far away, namely 2050, its impact on the corporate world and large industries will be felt soon.
This is because the banking and insurance industries have formed their respective Net-Zero Alliances. Global banking and insurance services will soon require some kind of Net-Zero compliance on lending, guarantees etc.
Along with the problem, the opportunities also come faster, our islands small and large, which are currently still arid, can soon become green and invite a lot of green investment. How could that be?
From the 17,500 islands, I took one island that in my opinion has the most potential to grow rapidly in this Net-Zero era, namely Madura, from there later the model can be imitated by other islands.
Madura is an island about 6x the size of Singapore but only inhabited by less than 4 million people. Nearly half of its 425,000 ha of land is currently in critical condition, the aridity we can see from the Google portrait below.
But instead, planting trees in previously arid areas is what is recognized as Carbon Removal in the Net-Zero scheme. If the 200,000 hectares of degraded land on the island are planted with tamanu, then this is enough to offset about 75% of carbon emissions from the people and industry on the island.
So why is the tamanu tree planted? First of all, this tree is native to the island, growing very well even in the most arid areas. Second tamanu have the potential to bring various green industries such as wellness, phytopharmaceuticals, biofuels, feeds, green feedstocks etc.
Madura’s proximity to the island of Java and Juanda airport, and to its Suramadu link, if it want , it can immediately declare itself as a Net-Zero island, then prove it with real work, the world will flock to travel and invest in green project on this island. The detailed concept is with us if required by the relevant stakeholders.