Bio-DME After 4 Years
The mini plant mockup in this photo has been inhabiting one corner of my desk/lab for more than 4 years. It is a miniature of the Bio-DME (Dimethyl Ether) plant that I designed, and the full article can still be read here:
When we hear today that the government is going to replace LPG with DME, of course I am not surprised because this is indeed a way to suppress the enormous imported LPG.
It’s just that the government’s choice to still use coal as its raw material doesn’t seem to be in line with the SDG targets and moreover the Net-Zero target agreed by more than 100 world leaders at COP26, Glasgow UK earlier this month.
Another problem is that the energy density of DME which is only 31.7 MJ/kg, or 64% of LPG (49.3 MJ/kg), will make transportation costs even more dominant than LPG transportation — if it is produced in a centralized manner like fuel production so far.
Those two points are in my draft, which is not in the government’s plan. The Bio-DME mini plant in my design uses abundant biomass raw materials throughout the country, besides being renewable it also empowers local communities — even remote islands.
I designed the plant myself to be small, about the size of a 20 ft container, so it can be placed anywhere to deliver local fuel, fuel that is produced and used in the same area— reducing transportation costs and carbon footprint.
The only difference is that with the government, I don’t have enough funds to realize my idea so I have only completed about half the work after for years, while the government’s money is like tissue paper — it is pulled out again and again, although it is not always more efficient.
So if anyone is interested in following up on my design plant, please, this could be your best chance now!